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There is a Drop Down Menu at the bottom of each page that will help you in finding your way around. 

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pflow5.gif Let me tell you about myself.....


         I've been mistress of this site for many years, now, and originally   "html" seemed like a scary foreign language that I could never hope to decipher. Once I jumped into it, it turned out not to be awful. Then I started having so much fun that I'm just sorry I didn't do it sooner.

         I'm married to a really cool guy who has always been ready and willing to support me in any way he could.  He has been very tolerant of all the hours and hours that I have obsessed over getting this site up and running.

         Our two smart and pretty daughters (I'm really not at all biased) have been into computers for even longer than we've had ours.  They kept nagging until I finally agreed to give page building a try.   But in all honesty, I am still surprised that I caught on.   I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks!

         We are blessed with seven grandchildren.  This Link will introduce you to them.  They are all great kids.  (On some inner level) I still find it surprising that I am a Grandma!  But I count my blessings every day that these seven are in my life.  And now, to make things even more interesting, I am a great-grandma too!

         This Home Page is giving me a chance to "turn a phrase" (or 11) since I have always enjoyed writing, editing and communications.  It is exciting to see my thoughts and efforts take shape on a page......To polish the raw material and also, to realize to a very real extent, that these (pages) could be viewed by other people ALL OVER THE WORLD!

         That's enough about me for now.  But I will share snippets of "me" with you through out these pages, as they are, pretty much, a reflection of my views and interests.  I'd like to hear from you, so send me email or sign my guest book and give me your Site address so I can come see your pages.   

All the Best,  Carol  

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Meet Blackie.  He is the dog I wished I had.   I met him at the Animal Rescue Site.  He's not there every day, but I always love to see him when he is.  He just has a very brave but pensive face.   Click on the picture and you will go to the Animal Rescue Site.  Click the 'Feed an Animal in Need' button and you will have done a good thing for Blackie's friends.

And while you are there, consider clicking to Fight World Hunger, Mammograms to Fight Breast Cancer, Children's Health, Literacy, Veterans and finally Help Save the Rainforest.  Just follow the links.  It only takes a minute.  And you can click to help Every Day!  We CAN make a difference.




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    I love to read---especially mysteries and biographies. I'd love to find more time to read history and maybe, if I can ever over come my addiction to the web, I will (find the time).

Favorite authors include:  J. K. Rowling, Charlaine Harris, Patricia Cornwell, Tony Hillerman, Nevada Barr, Agatha Cristie, Lillian Jackson Braun, Stephen King, James Herriot (just to name a few).

The Books I've read more than any other?  The entire Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling!   I've read them at least two or three times a year since reading the first four in 2001.


    I love music---All kinds of music.musicnotecolorful.gif (6297 bytes)

I'm always up for listening to:  Classical, Jazz, The Blues, Celtic music and Rock and Roll.

My favorite musicians and composers include:  Mozart, Handel, Kim Parks, B.B. King, Elton John, Connie Dover, Jimi Hendrix, Janice Joplin, Tony Bennett, Elvis (oh WOW, that's only a few of 'em!   I could go on but let's just say that I pretty much love music. Period.)   

I sing in my Church choir where we sing everything from Latin chant to gospel. My personal favorites are three and four part singing and, if it is a-cappella, that's even more challenging!


    I have been known to attend auctions and estate sales. The call of the auctioneer just quickens my blood.  I am always on the lookout for my passions: Baskets, Teddy bears, older Rosaries, old Glass animal paperweights and other antique bits and pieces for my collections.   



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